• Info@safelife.website
  • 0201000063277

About us

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Welcome To Safe Life

A leading pharmaceutical  company specializing in nutritional supplements and medical products for skin and hair care .

Our vision


  • To create local opportunity , growth and impact in every community and country around the world
  • Helping people to optimise use of our products to support their health and care for acute and long-term conditions , and providing individualised  advices  to support the public's health and healthy living
Our mission
  • Qur mission is to improve the quality of human life by enhancing the health, appearance & enabling people to do more  , feel & look better
  • We use science- based innovation to medically treat hair&skin problems
Our goals
  • At safe life we are inspired by a single goal ; YOUR HEALTH ..
  • We aim to develope quality and efficiency of health care services


About us

  • SAFE Life company is a leading pharmaceutical company established since 2014 We started to be Interested in medical cosmetic products that care with hair & skin and then we branched out to the rest of medical disciplines .
  • We Have more than 35 products that concern with health & beauty and personal care , All products are licensed and registered with the ministry of health
  • We strive to see God in all patients and everyone who use our products we respect & honour our clients and appreciate their trust
  • Safelife is an entity that respect and value everyone staffed with our company we have more than 250 business associate & partner for success ,  they are members of our Safe life company success team , And we are always On the rise .


Our team