• Info@safelife.website
  • 0201000063277

About us

  • SAFE Life company is a leading pharmaceutical company established since 2014 We started to be Interested in medical cosmetic products that care with hair & skin and then we branched out to the rest of medical disciplines .
  • We Have more than 35 products that concern with health & beauty and personal care , All products are licensed and registered with the ministry of health
  • We strive to see God in all patients and everyone who use our products we respect & honour our clients and appreciate their trust
  • Safelife is an entity that respect and value everyone staffed with our company we have more than 250 business associate & partner for success ,  they are members of our Safe life company success team , And we are always On the rise .


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We always put our Clients first

A leading pharmaceutical  company specializing in nutritional supplements and medical products for skin and hair care .

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Baby Care

They all our products especially designed to your baby protection offering advanced benefits to your baby hair & skin keeping your baby’s skin hydrated, Moisturized and irritation free And your baby's hair looks great & healthy .

Multivitamins & Supplements

Supplements are Manufactured products intended to supplement one’s diet by taking capsule, Tablet , Powder or liquid

Hair Care

Hair care is a challenging routine that keeping your hair Healthy and stylish by applying Beneficial products on it , That depending on your hair needs and hair type.

Skin care

Skin care is a routine daily procedure By using topical creams and lotions Made of ingredients available in nature , that support skin integrity and enhance its appearance.

Our statics


years of experience


Number of products


number of clients


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Say Our Clients

Since our goal is customer service, so the company seeks to satisfy customers, and therefore the company works to know their opinions and impressions on the company's products

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El safwa building beside the militry hospital , shebeen el kom , Menoufia



